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Michelle Lumiére

Founder & CEO

Since losing her mum at age 19, Michelle has spent most of her life learning about grief. In the background of a fast-paced career in marketing for education and tech, she has acquired years of studies and lived experience in end of life and bereavement trauma, facing several losses along the way. During Covid, Michelle trained in grief recovery and volunteered at her local Acute Medical Unit. She also trained as an Executive Coach with Henley Business School and completed her second master’s degree in psychology. But it was training as an End of Life Doula with Living Well Dying Well and in conscious dying with the Living Dying Project that accelerated her calling. Today, Michelle is a Doula with End of Life Doula UK and a PhD student in Transpersonal Psychology with a focus on conscious dying. She founded the Mortality Alliance to reach the billions of people worldwide facing death and dying alone, recognising a persistent issue in the end of life and bereavement space. She is a big advocate of loving awareness and the teachings of Ram Dass.

Michelle Lumiére

I believe in a world where dying is approached differently, where love and consciousness prevail over fear and trauma.

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