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Conscious Dying

Conscious Dying creates space for presence and healing at end of life. Led by pioneers Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, Stephen Levine, Dale Borglum, and Ram Dass, it encourages conscious awareness at end of life. If you're interested in consciousness work at any stage of life, check out the organisations below.

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Living Dying Project

The founders of conscious dying, helping people worldwide facilitate conscious living, dying, and compassionate caregiving.


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Centre for the Art of Living & Dying Well

Helps people to live and die well and be supported in their grief, through public engagement, policy, and research.


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Compassionate Communities

A global movement for transforming life and death through the healing powers of compassion and community.


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Alef Trust

A globally-conscious education provider for transpersonal psychology, spirituality, and consciousness studies.


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A friendly space to explore death, dying, and grief, providing practical tools, guidance, and support with end of life planning.


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Alalaho pioneered Europe’s first legal psilocybin-assisted retreat, setting a new standard for transformative experiences.


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Public Health Palliative Care International

The international association for setting the global standards of a public health approach to end of life healthcare.


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Grof Transpersonal Training

The first internationally-recognised training provider in expanded states of awareness and Holotropic Breathwork®.


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The largest online resource of consciousness-expanding videos, including award-winning documentaries and films.


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Slow Dive

An app that personalises the meditation experience, tracks daily goals, and offers powerful mantras and healing frequencies.


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Living Well Dying Well

Provides courses for people to gain a deeper understanding of death and dying or to train as an End of Life Doula.


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Conscious Dying Institute

A healing culture of End-of-Life Doulas, Conscious Dying Coaches and Educators of all faiths, beliefs, and ethnicities.


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Love Serve Remember Foundation

The Foundation dedicated to preserving and continuing the teachings of Neem Karoli Baba and Ram Dass.


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A holistic retreat and educational institute founded in 1962, renowned for its contribution to the consciousness revolution.


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Lion's Roar

Sharing Buddhist wisdom and practices to enhance people’s lives and increase Buddhism in the modern world.


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