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About Us

The Mortality Alliance exists to reduce end of life and bereavement trauma by consolidating and improving access to high quality support, services, information, and guidance. No matter your circumstances, background, or beliefs, our guiding principle is that no individual or family should face death and dying alone or afraid. We are here for you, when you need us.


Mission & Beliefs

Our mission is to reform and improve end of life and bereavement support on a global scale, to better help all individuals and families navigate the realities of death and dying. This includes support with preparing for death and bereavement in advance, coping with the unexpected, and coping with grief.

We believe that everyone should feel supported in navigating their own mortality and the mortality of their loved ones, with any personal wishes and beliefs at the core of their experience. We are here for all faiths, beliefs, and spiritual communities alike.

Our Approach

Michelle Lumiére founded the Mortality Alliance to reform the end of life and bereavement sector after years of studying, volunteering, and working in this space. She and her team have developed a dual approach to achieve this mission:


"Firstly, our platform exists to consolidate and improve access to essential services and information that already exists. Secondly, we work closely with professionals, employers, and education providers to reform and improve end of life and bereavement support at an industry level."


Meet the Team

Our organisation couldn't exist without this incredible bunch.

Michelle Lumiére

Founder & CEO

Laura Lack

Commercial Lead

Sarah Hardwick

Bereavement Lead

Claire Rulton

Chief Financial Officer

Chloe Illsley

Child Wellbeing Researcher

Caroline Edmeades

Bereavement Lead

Joelle Daley-Peart

Corporate Social Responsibility Lead

Emily Jade Jones

Bereavement Lead

Natalie Russell-Wall

Bereavement Lead

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Our Values

The principles that guide us.

To make impact and raise the standards of accessible support services, we must be present in the here and now to those in need.

Keep exploring

Access groundbreaking talks, views, and insights on matters of death and dying from world leading researchers and authors.

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